E1 in Germany
In Germany, the E1 runs for nearly 1,900km and is divided into 76 stages.
The European Long Distance Path 1 offers the opportunity to hike through Germany from north to south (or vice versa). It starts at the Danish border near Flensburg and ends south in Konstanz on Lake Constance at the border to Switzerland.
The european long distance path 1 runs in Germany mainly on regional or overland hiking trails. Sections of attractive trails like the Eggeweg, Lahnhöhenweg, Westweg and Freiburg-Lake Constance Black Forest Trail (Querweg Freiburg-Bodensee) (including parts of the Schluchtensteig) are part of the E1.
The E1 is entirely marked in Germany. Large parts are marked with the St. Andrew's cross (white cross on black background), some sections with regional marks.
Stage overview
Links, hiking reports and blogs
Deutscher Wanderverband
Verband Deutscher Gebirgs- und Wandervereine e.V.
European Ramblers Association
Infoseite zum E1 in Deutschland
Map of privately offered campsites. Most of the sites listed are in Germany.
Information and reports about stages of the E1 in Germany and Switzerland
Aktion Schrittmacher - Mit Rheuma weitwandern
in german language
All E1-Stages in Germany | Download Tracks (.gpx) |
Accomodation in Germany | Download POIs (.gpx) |
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