
1.10 Eutin - Schönwalde


Walking time

Total climb

Total descent
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Stage description

As far as the landscape is concerned, this is truly rewarding stage, starting off from the site of the 2016 State Garden Show in Eutin, the Großer Eutiner See, the Gut Stendorf manor house and the avenue of trees between Stendorf and Bergfeld. The highlight of the tour is, of course, Bungsberg, the highest hill in Schleswig-Holstein (168m), which can be reached by taking a kilometre or so excursion from the E1. The platform on the television tower there is open and free of charge and offers panoramic views across to the Baltic Sea and Holstein Switzerland, a hilly area with a patchwork of lakes and forests. On the way between Bungsberg and Schönwalde you will pass the marshlands of Beckmissen where there is a nice place to take a rest. Unfortunately, there is a lot of road walking on this stage; between Stendorf and Bungsberg there is over 8km in one stretch. Just before Stendorf you can follow the E1 signs and leave out the extra loop to the top of Bungsberg. The hike between Eutin to Neutstadt in Holstein is then cut to 23km.

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Hiking maps

  • Kompass Karte 720: Naturpark Holsteinische Schweiz (1:50 000)

    Map Available at (Ad)

  • Kompass Karte 724: Ostseeküste von Lübeck bis Dänemark (1:50000)

    Map Available at (Ad) and (Ad)

  • Publicpress 184: Rad- und Wanderkarte Naturpark Holsteinische Schweiz (1:50 000)

    Map Available at (Ad)


  • Andreaskreuz / E1 St. Andrew's cross / E1


Price group
5-15 € 16-30 € 31-45 € >45 €
Naturpark Camping Prinzenholz
Price group: 5-15,15-30 €
Kreuz-Icon Kreuz-Icon
DJH Jugendherberge Bad Malente
Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen
Price group: 15-30 €
Ferienhof Schnoor
Price group: €
Show more accommodation in Eutin and Schönwalde am Bungsberg ( / Ad)


  • Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord

    Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord


Sources and copyright

GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)

Legally we have to tell you that we cannot be held responsible for the information supplied.

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You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).

Etappe Stage 1.10 Eutin - Schönwalde Download (.gpx)
All tracks in Download (.zip)

The download and many of the services offered on this page are free of charge. However, I would greatly appreciate a small donation as a token of appreciation for my work! This can be done through Paypal or a supporting membership. Thank you very much!

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