
3.3 Bispingen - Soltau


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Stage description

Between Bispingen and Soltau, the E1 follows a regional path – the Hermann Billung Weg, marked with a 'B', a 145km path that runs from Lauenburg to Verden.  The stage starts with a very long walk on a forest trail, passing an adventure playground (Luhegrund) along a disused railway line to the spring of the River Luhe which can be reached on a tricky path through the undergrowth. The spring of the River Luhe actually consists of three smaller pools. The water from these pools first trickles underground before forming a beck heading north. Here there is also a stamp and inkpad to record that you were here.

The stage starts with a very long walk on a forest trail, passing an adventure playground (Luhegrund) along a disused railway line to the spring of the River Luhe which can be reached on a tricky path through the undergrowth. The spring of the River Luhe actually consists of three smaller pools. The water from these pools first trickles underground before forming a beck heading north. Here there is also a stamp and inkpad to record that you were here.

Accompanied by the noise of the autobahn, the forest trail leads to the village of Stübeckshorn passing through some lovely heath land on the way. Between Stübeckshorn and Oeningen there is a longer stretch on an asphalted path until a farm close to Oeningen after which the path turns into an unpaved track. The E1 crosses though the re-naturalised Grosse Aue and reaches a small, pretty wooded area. Coming out of the woods, the path crosses over the Heidebahn rail line. It now leads through the streets of Soltau, first passing the hospital on the right to the Böhmepark. Here the E1 ('X'), the Hermann Billung Weg ('B'), the Freudenthalweg ('F') and the Heidschnuckweg ('H') all converge in an alphabet soup. Passing through the pedestrian zone, the stage comes to an end close the Soltau train station.

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Hiking maps

  • Kompass Karte 718: Lüneburger Heide (1:50000)

    Map Available at (Ad)

  • Publicpress 082: Rad- und Wanderkarte Naturschutzgebiet Lüneburger Heide (1:50 000)

    Map Available at (Ad)


  • Andreaskreuz / E1 St. Andrew's cross / E1


Price group
5-15 € 16-30 € 31-45 € >45 €
Pension Haus Monika
Price group: 30-45 €
DJH Jugendherberge Bispingen
Price group: 15-30 €
Camping- & Mobilheimpark Moränasee
Price group: 5-15 €
Dat Greune Eck
Price group: >45 €
Privatpension Familie Kreetz
Price group: 15-30 €
Show more accommodation in Bispingen and Soltau ( / Ad)


  • Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord

    Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord


Sources and copyright

GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)

Legally we have to tell you that we cannot be held responsible for the information supplied.

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You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).

Etappe Stage 3.3 Bispingen - Soltau Download (.gpx)
All tracks in Download (.zip)

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