
1.02 Oeversee - Schleswig


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Stage description

Beautiful and quiet paths, largely off the beaten track, through hilly meadows, fields and forests. For long stretches, the E1 shares the path with the E6 and the Ochsenweg (pilgrims' path). The stage is overall very varied, the destination Schleswig culturally interesting (Gottorf Castle, cathedral, old town with fishing settlement Holm, St.-Johannis-Monastery, Friedrichsberg City Museum and others). We leave Oeversee to the east on the small road Krokamp in the direction of the "Fröruper Berge". The E1 passes through this charming, hilly forest area in an eastern curve (shortcut possible). Small roads lead to Süderschmedeby, where the L193 (Tarp-Großsolt) is crossed, and on to the church village of Sieverstedt. The Sieverstedt church, visible from afar, was built in the 12th century at the intersection of two important traffic routes. Through the lowlands of the "Bollingstedter Au" we reach the village of Stenderup and a little later we cross a forest area, the Elmholz. Shortly before its southern edge, we turn sharp left and finally cross the Helligbek stream on a bridge. Now again on small roads via Stolkerfeld to Idstedt. Attention: at the third roundabout the left turn of the path into the Dorfstraße is easy to miss! Immediately after crossing the L 28 (Jübek-Böklund) turn right over the parking lot down to the Idstedter See, which is half-rounded on a charming path. After another short stretch of road directly behind the former military area (today solar park) turn right, along the edge of the forest and finally, shortly after crossing the K 16, turn left into the forest. Along enchanted ponds and old tree populations, past the Idstedtwege forest ranger station, along the forest road through the beautiful mixed beech forest to the Wilhelmslust settlement. On the road to the left, after 150 m turn right towards Lürschau and after another 200 m turn left again (Bökberg) past several old gravel pits. Now again through a pretty forest near Lürschau, you finally reach a small road which you follow to the left into Schleswig. The easiest and most beautiful way to the old town with the cathedral is along the banks of the Schlei.
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Hiking maps

  • Kompass Karte 724: Ostseeküste von Lübeck bis Dänemark (1:50000)

    Map Available at (Ad) and (Ad)

  • Kompass Karte 708: Ostseefjord Schlei - Schleswig (1:35 000)

    Map Available at (Ad) and (Ad)


  • Andreaskreuz / E1 St. Andrew's cross / E1


Price group
5-15 € 16-30 € 31-45 € >45 €
Salz & Pfeffer im Gasthaus Frörup
Price group: 30-45 €
Campingplatz Süderholz
Price group: 5-15 €
DJH Jugendherberge Schleswig
Price group: 15-30 €
Show more accommodation in Oeversee and Schleswig ( / Ad)


  • Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord

    Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord


Sources and copyright

GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)

Legally we have to tell you that we cannot be held responsible for the information supplied.

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You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).

Etappe Stage 1.02 Oeversee - Schleswig Download (.gpx)
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