
4.4 Steinhude - Bad Nenndorf


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Stage description

Even though the first low mountain range will only be reached on the next stage with the Deister, this stage gives you a preview of what is to come. After the beginning with the hike along the shore of Lake Steinhude (German: Steinhuder Meer) and the Hagenburg Canal (as well as the Hagenburg Schloss) which has very much a maritime touch, the first hilly forest area begins after Hagenburg, with the second one, Haste Forest, following later. In between you can almost touch the potash mines of Bokeloh and watch the bargemen on the Mittelland Canal for a while. After Waltringhausen the long ascent along the Deisterrand - the run up to the Deister - towards Bad Nenndorf begins.
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Price group
5-15 € 16-30 € 31-45 € >45 €
Pension Haus Charlotte
Bad Nenndorf
Price group: €
Show more accommodation in Steinhude , Hagenburg and Bad Nenndorf ( / Ad)


  • Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord

    Fernwanderweg E1 Deutschland Nord


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GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)

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Hits: 29177


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