01.14 Biggejavri - Mierojavri
Walking time
Total climb
Total descent
Stage description
No description available yet.
Hiking maps
- Norge-serien 10165: Guovdageaidnu (1:50.000)
DNT Hiking Trail (Norway)
There is currently no accommodation listed for this stage.
Do you know a recommended accommodation for this stage? We are happy about your hint. Please leave a comment or send us an
DNT - Stage descriptions (PDF)
Detailed information by the DNT about the E1 from North Cape (NO) to Grövelsjön (SE). Including stage descriptions, accomodation, marks and maps. In norwegian language.
Sources and copyright
Information about accommodation, maps and marking of this stage is based on information by DNT (Den Norske Turistforening) - Published under CC BY-SA 4.0 License GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)GPX-Downloads
You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).
Etappe Stage 01.14 Biggejavri - Mierojavri | Download (.gpx) |
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