
04.08 Sella del Monte Prado - San Pellegrino in Alpe


Walking time

Total climb

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Stage description

N.B.: We don't have an English description of the stage just yet. We'll give you the German version for now until the English version is ready.

Der Aufstieg zum Monte Prato ist steil - es muss teilweise geklettert werden. Vor allem mit Gepäck könnte es ratsam sein, einen der alternativen Wege zu gehen.

Hiking maps

No maps added yet


  • Grande Escursione Appenninica (GEA) Grande Escursione Appenninica (GEA)
  • Alta Via dei Parchi (AVP) Alta Via dei Parchi (AVP)


Price group
5-15 € 16-30 € 31-45 € >45 €
Rifugio Bargetana
Ventasso (RE)
Price group: 15-30 €
Rifugio CAI Cesare Battisti
Località Lama Lite di Ligonchio (RE)
Price group: €
Rifugio Segheria dell'Abetina Reale
Price group: €
Bivacco Le Maccherie
Price group: €
Albergo Ristorante Rifugio Lunardi
San Pellegrino (LU)
Price group: 30-45 €
Albergo Ristorante L'Appennino
San Pellegrino in Alpe
Price group: 30-45 €
Albergo L'Alpino
San Pellegrino in Alpe
Price group: €
Rifugio Burigone
Price group: 15-30 €


  • Trekking in the Apennines: The Grande Escursione Appenninica (International Walking)


Sources and copyright

GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)

Legally we have to tell you that we cannot be held responsible for the information supplied.

Hits: 10980


You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).

Etappe Stage 04.08 Sella del Monte Prado - San Pellegrino in Alpe Download (.gpx)
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