09.08 Mogetorp - Blankhult
Walking time
Total climb
Total descent
Stage description
N.B.: We don't have an English description of the stage just yet. We'll give you the German version for now until the English version is ready.
Laut Info-Seite des Bersgalgsleden ist es möglich, im Gasthaus "Mogetorps Wärdshus" zu übernachten. Da wir auf der Webseite des Gasthauses dazu keine Informationen finden konnten, haben wir es bisher nicht in unsere Unterkunftsliste aufgenommen.

The following users contributed to this text:

Hiking maps
- Calazo C23: Örebro & Kilsbergen (1:50.000)
- Terrängkartan 602: Örebro (1:50.000)
Hiking trail (Sweden)
Accommodation | Price group | |||
0-200 SEK |
201-400 SEK |
401-600 SEK |
>600 SEK |
Vinterhagen Vindskydd
Price group:
Price group:
Bergslagsleden stage 8: Mogetorp - Blankhult
Additional information about this stage on bergslagsleden.se
Sources and copyright
GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)GPX-Downloads
You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).
Etappe Stage 09.08 Mogetorp - Blankhult | Download (.gpx) |
All tracks in | Download (.zip) |
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