
2.08 Kliplev - Padborg - German Border


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Stage description

Leaving Kliplev, the E1 takes us first through an industrial estate. From the road, a path on our right leads to a railway line. Here we turn right and head in a westerly direction. Cross over the rail line at a level crossing and continue to head west. If you're looking for a place to spend the night, you can find Pension Lindely just to your left at this point.

The route continues on asphalt roads until we reach the small housing estate of Perbøl. A path to the right takes us off the road, which we then follow until Gejlå. Here we turn right. After roughly 200 metres the path leaves the road to the right taking us into the Bommerlund Plantage, crossing over a small stone bridge – the Gejlå Bro. A few metres on, the Bommerlundstenen, a memorial stone, can be seen on the side of the path. A sheltered campsite is just a couple of hundred metres away.

Even though the path runs parallel to a street for the next 4 kilometres as we head south through the woods, this section is quite pretty and pleasant to walk. The route continues, though less appealing: As we leave the woods, the E1 follows a busy country road for one kilometre, crossing the E45 motorway.

After the roundabout the route takes us right on a much quieter agricultural road to the small town of Bov. As we leave the south part of the town, there is a section of a historical trading route. A little later, as the the E1 follows a small bend to the right it leaves this Hærvej on the left. From here the route follows the Gendarmstien (the gendarm path), marked with a symbol of a police officer on a white background.

The winding and hilly path is quite diversified and offers some beautiful views as we head towards the border. As we leave Denmark, we take with us some fine final views before we come to a road that takes us to the German border. Here there is a bus stop on the route between Flensburg and Kruså.

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  • Wanderweg (Dänemark) Hiking trail (Denmark)


Price group
Pension Lindely
Price group: DKK 0-150,DKK 150-300
Kreuz-Icon Kreuz-Icon
Shelter Bjerndrup
Price group:
Bommerlund Plantage
Gejlå Bro
Price group:
Dansleep Padborg
Price group: DKK 300-450
Bov Kro
Price group: DKK >450
Kruså Camping
Price group: DKK 0-150
Frøslev Plantage, Karsten Thomsens Plads
Price group:
Show more accommodation in Padborg ( / Ad)


Bommerlund plantation

On a nice path the E1 runs through the Bommerlund plantation. To the north it crosses the Gejlå Bro, a stone bridge from 1818, and a few metres to the south the Bommerlund stone reminds you of the Bommerlund Kro inn that once stood here. Legend has it that a French knight left the innkeeper the recipe for the famous "Bommerlunder". 


  • Heerweg - ein Führer für Wanderer und Radfahrer


Sources and copyright

GPX track coordinates: © OpenStreetMap contributors. Published under Open Database License (ODbL)

Legally we have to tell you that we cannot be held responsible for the information supplied.

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You can use the GPX track for navigation and tour planning on your digital device (GPS, smartphone, online tour planner).

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