
von Gert
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7 Jahre 11 Monate her #195 Gert
Introductions wurde erstellt von Gert
Maybe it's a good idea to start a topic about telling who you are? Just a short introduction to get to know eachother. I'll start :)

I'm a 33 year old man from The Netherlands, working as an IT consultant in healthcare. In June '17 I'm planning to walk a part of the E1. I'll fly to the Nordkapp and the plan is to walk to Hamburg, Germany. About a year ago I started to think about traveling through Scandinavia, planning my own route until I found the E1 trail. Since April '16 I'm keeping a blog about the choices that I make for this trip. As like many of you I was googling for how to start a trip like this. I've found little bits or people that started writing when they started, but not from scratch, so I thought, let's do that! Maybe other people can learn from it. the address of my blog is:

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von Gos
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7 Jahre 11 Monate her - 7 Jahre 10 Monate her #198 Gos
Gos antwortete auf Introductions
Hello Gert,
Thats a nice initiative. How is you planning so far?

I'm Gos, also from the Netherlands, and fly the 15th of May to Nordkapp. I have my own company in the ICT and it's time to make some changes.
The plan is to thruhike the E1 but lets begin to start first.

Have a nice journey, hike safe.
Letzte Änderung: 7 Jahre 10 Monate her von Gos.

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von Gert
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7 Jahre 11 Monate her #200 Gert
Gert antwortete auf Introductions
Hey Gos,

Sounds like a good plan! I've bought my ticket last week, I'm going June 12. My preparations are going reasonable well. I'm just in doubt what to do about food. Got a couple of different ideas for that.

I'm making small hiking trips in the weekend, including the night, mostly staying at "paalkampeerplaatsen". Tuning my gear and so on.

How are your preparations going? Maybe compare notes sometimes? I live in Assen but during the week I'm in Nijmegen in a hotel for work.


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von Tony
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #215 Tony
Tony antwortete auf Introductions
Hi Gert, Hi Gos,
A friend of mine Thomas Bongarts is presently on his way from Nordkap to Sicily. He left Nordkap on June 1. His Blog is here:
May be of some use to you both. E1 from Nordkap is presently snowed under and impassible. According to the locals the weather this year has been colder than in previous years. Hopefully that will change over next few days. We are co-ordinating with Thomas daily and posting his experiences on his Blog as we receive his e-mails. The Blog is in German language, but I could help if you need any info in English.
Best regards, tony middleton

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von Gos
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her - 7 Jahre 8 Monate her #216 Gos
Gos antwortete auf Introductions
Thank you Tony,
I was there on the 15th of May and on the 30th I had to end it. The snow was to heavy without snowshoes.
When the snow is gone, I'm flying back. To stay there was to expensive.
My blog is at
Letzte Änderung: 7 Jahre 8 Monate her von Gos.

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von Tony
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #217 Tony
Tony antwortete auf Introductions
Hi Gos, Hi Gert,
Thom's homebase is on the E1 ca. 20 Km SE from Heidelberg at D-69181 Gauangelloch, don't hesitate to get in touch when you're passing through.
All the best, regards tony

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